Saturday, December 28, 2019

Self-Discovery - 2530 Words

Self-discovery Throughout one’s lifetime changes in a person’s views toward life are inevitable. Those changes can be seen as either positive or negative based on the experiences a person goes through. Some changes are seen as internal while others are seen as external. For instance, in Monkey by Wu Cheng-en and Candide by Francois-Marie Arouet De Voltaire, both authors are using their characters to portray self-discovery by having them go through a series of obstacles. As a result the characters changed their attitude toward life through the many obstacles that they had to undergo. Self-discovery is an essential part of a person’s life which can be seen internally or externally through a person’s characteristics and†¦show more content†¦In the end when he finds out that Cunegonde is ugly, he still goes to search for her â€Å"†¦go search out Cunegonde on the shores of Propontis, however ugly she might be† (Voltaire, 574). This shows ext ernal changes in Candide’s character, and it shows that he still wants to fulfill his promise to marry Cunegonde. By the end of the story we can see that Candide has learned the true meaning of life through his experiences on this journey and he now has his own views and opinions towards the world. However, after all of his experiences on this journey, â€Å"Candide still doesn’t understand the key to happiness† ( At the beginning he followed the beliefs of Pangloss, even after he realized that the world doesn’t work like the philosopher once said it did and he lets go of those beliefs, he ignorantly throws his trust into the beliefs of another person. Candide discovers the Turks truth to life, â€Å"†¦and the work keeps us from three great evils, boredom, vice and poverty†¦I know†¦that we must cultivate our garden† (Voltaire, 580). 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